星期三, 2月 08, 2017

[VSTS] Git command reference - Sync changes

了解該篇文章 Git command reference 的 Sync changes 說明並記錄

目的:Download new branches and commits from a remote repo, but do not merge them into your local branches
git 語法:git fetch
Team Explorer 畫面:

[VSTS] Git command reference - Sync changes-1

目的:Merge updates from a remote repo into your local repo
git 語法:git pull remote branchname
Team Explorer 畫面:

[VSTS] Git command reference - Sync changes-2

目的:Publish a local branch to a remote repo
git 語法:git push -u remote branchname
Team Explorer 畫面:

[VSTS] Git command reference - Sync changes-3

目的:Synchronize your local branch with a remote branch, pushing your local changes and pulling remote ones
git 語法:
  • git pull remote branchname
  • git push -u remote branchname
Team Explorer 畫面:

[VSTS] Git command reference - Sync changes-4

目的:Force push a branch, rewriting the remote branch history with the history of your current branch
git 語法:git push --force -u origin remote_branchname
Team Explorer 畫面:無,只能利用語法操作

