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Project 內容
State 內容
IState interface
namespace DP_State { public interface IState { string descript{get;} void insertQuarter(); void ejectQuater(); void turnCrank(); void dispense(); } }
NoQuarterState Class
namespace DP_State { public class NoQuarterState : IState { private GumballMachine _GumballMachine; public string descript { get { return "Machine is waiting for quarter"; } } public NoQuarterState(GumballMachine GumballMachine) { this._GumballMachine = GumballMachine; } public void insertQuarter() { Console.WriteLine("You inserted a quarter"); this._GumballMachine.setState(this._GumballMachine.getHasQuarterState()); } public void ejectQuater() { Console.WriteLine("Sorry ,you haven't inserted a quarter yet"); } public void turnCrank() { Console.WriteLine("You turn the crank,but there is no quarter inserted"); } public void dispense() { Console.WriteLine("Please insert a quarter first"); } } }
HasQuarterState Class
namespace DP_State { public class HasQuarterState : IState { private GumballMachine _GumballMachine; public string descript { get { return "Quarter is inserted"; } } private Random _RandomWinner = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); public HasQuarterState(GumballMachine GumballMachine) { this._GumballMachine = GumballMachine; } public void insertQuarter() { Console.WriteLine("You can't insert another quarter"); } public void ejectQuater() { Console.WriteLine("Quarter returned"); _GumballMachine.setState(_GumballMachine.getNoQuarterState()); } public void turnCrank() { Console.WriteLine("You turned..."); int winner = _RandomWinner.Next(10); if (winner == 0 && this._GumballMachine.getCount() > 1) { _GumballMachine.setState(_GumballMachine.getWinnerState()); } else { _GumballMachine.setState(_GumballMachine.getSoldState()); } } public void dispense() { Console.WriteLine("NO gumball dispensed"); } } }
SoldState Class
namespace DP_State { public class SoldState : IState { private GumballMachine _GumballMachine; public string descript { get { return "Maching is ready to release gumball"; } } public SoldState(GumballMachine GumballMachine) { this._GumballMachine = GumballMachine; } public void insertQuarter() { Console.WriteLine("Please wait,we're already giving you a gumball"); } public void ejectQuater() { Console.WriteLine("Sorry, you already turned the crank"); } public void turnCrank() { Console.WriteLine("Turning twice doesn't get you another gumball"); } public void dispense() { this._GumballMachine.releaseBall(); if (this._GumballMachine.getCount() > 0) { this._GumballMachine.setState(_GumballMachine.getNoQuarterState()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oops, out of gumballs"); this._GumballMachine.setState(_GumballMachine.getSoldOutState()); } } } }
SoldOutState Class
namespace DP_State { public class SoldOutState : IState { private GumballMachine _GumballMachine; public string descript { get { return "Machine is sold out"; } } public SoldOutState(GumballMachine GumballMachine) { this._GumballMachine = GumballMachine; } public void insertQuarter() { Console.WriteLine("You can't insert a quarter , the machine is sold out"); } public void ejectQuater() { Console.WriteLine("You can't eject ,you haven't inserted a quarter yet"); } public void turnCrank() { Console.WriteLine("You turned, but there are no gumballs"); } public void dispense() { Console.WriteLine("No gumball dispensed"); } } }
WinnerState Class
namespace DP_State { public class WinnerState : IState { private GumballMachine _GumballMachine; public string descript { get { return "Winner Mode, you get two gumball"; } } public WinnerState(GumballMachine GumballMachine) { this._GumballMachine = GumballMachine; } public void insertQuarter() { Console.WriteLine("Please wait,we're already giving you a gumball"); } public void ejectQuater() { Console.WriteLine("Sorry, you already turned the crank"); } public void turnCrank() { Console.WriteLine("Turning twice doesn't get you another gumball"); } public void dispense() { Console.WriteLine("You're a winner! You get two gumballs for your quarter"); this._GumballMachine.releaseBall(); if (this._GumballMachine.getCount() > 0) { this._GumballMachine.releaseBall(); if (this._GumballMachine.getCount() > 0) { this._GumballMachine.setState(this._GumballMachine.getNoQuarterState()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oops, out of gumballs"); this._GumballMachine.setState(this._GumballMachine.getSoldOutState()); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Oops, out of gumballs"); this._GumballMachine.setState(this._GumballMachine.getSoldOutState()); } } } }
GumBallMachine 內容
namespace DP_State { public class GumballMachine { private IState _SoldOutState; private IState _NoQuarterState; private IState _HasQuarterState; private IState _SoldState; private IState _WinnerState; private IState _State; private int _count = 0 ; public GumballMachine(int numberGumballs) { this._SoldOutState = new SoldOutState(this); this._NoQuarterState = new NoQuarterState(this); this._HasQuarterState = new HasQuarterState(this); this._SoldState = new SoldState(this); this._WinnerState = new WinnerState(this); // 初始化狀態是該機器沒有放進任何糖果,所以狀態是售盡 this._State = this._SoldOutState; // 假如初始化過程有放進糖果,狀態會沒有25分狀態 this._count = numberGumballs; if (this._count > 0) this._State = this._NoQuarterState; } public void insertQuarter() { _State.insertQuarter(); } public void ejectQuarter() { _State.ejectQuater(); } public void turnCrank() { _State.turnCrank(); _State.dispense(); } public void setState(IState State) { this._State = State; } public IState getSoldOutState() { return this._SoldOutState; } public IState getNoQuarterState() { return this._NoQuarterState; } public IState getHasQuarterState() { return this._HasQuarterState; } public IState getSoldState() { return this._SoldState; } public IState getWinnerState() { return this._WinnerState; } public int getCount() { return this._count; } public void releaseBall() { Console.WriteLine("A gumBall comes rolling out the slot..."); if (this._count > 0) this._count--; } public void fillBall(int count) { this._count += count; } public override string ToString() { string message = string.Format("Inventory:{0} gumballs \n", this._count); message += string.Format("Machine State:{0} \n", this._State.descript); return message; } } }
namespace DP_State { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { GumballMachine Machine = new GumballMachine(5); Console.WriteLine(Machine.ToString()); Machine.insertQuarter(); Machine.turnCrank(); Console.WriteLine(Machine.ToString()); Machine.insertQuarter(); Machine.turnCrank(); Machine.insertQuarter(); Machine.turnCrank(); Console.WriteLine(Machine.ToString()); } } }