- Download the flash firmware updater file from HP.com to the pc desktop.
- Turn the printer off and then back on to clear main printer memory.
- Double click on the flash firmware update utility file. An HP firmware update window will open.
- Select the appropriate MFP in the dialog window. If you assigned a different name to the HP MFP, choose the name that represents the correct printer.
- Click on "Send Firmware" when ready to proceed.
- The progress bar will begin to move to the right indicating information being transferred.
- DO NOT power cycle the product or the pc during this process or the product may become unstable and or unusable without further attention from HP. The flash firmware update can take up to 5 minutes to complete. Please be patient.
- During the product flash firmware update, the display on the product control panel will display "Erasing - Programming - Complete - Hewlett-Packard - Ready - Initializing - Ready". Once the download is finished the printer will be in the Ready state.
- At the conclusion of the firmware update, the dialog window will show a smiley face. Click on exit.
- The flash firmware update process is complete.
官網下載 M401_Series_FW_Update-20131214 最新的韌體 => 點選官方 M401_Series_FW_Update-20131214 => 選擇欲更新的印表機 => 按下 Send Firmware
韌體更新進行的畫面,更新時印表機上的螢幕會不斷顯示,Erasing - Programming - Complete - Hewlett-Packard - Ready - Initializing - Ready
再列印組態報告就可以看見韌體日期代碼從 20111103 變成 20131214
HP 更新韌體還蠻簡單,後來檢查電腦時,發現 Memory 掛掉一支,看來應該不是印表機導致的問題,就順手記錄一下