This challenge deals with converting the phrases to proper case.In Oracle/PLSQL, the INITCAP function sets the first character in each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.For example, initcap('challenge'); would return 'Challenge'.The challenge to is implement similarly functionality in TSQL, that works similar to INITCAP function of ORACLE.
- Sample Data
ID Data -- ----------------------------- 1 welcome to TSQL Challenge #22
- Expected Results
ID Data Results -- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 1 welcome to TSQL Challenge #22 Welcome To TSQL Challenge #22
- Rules
- Results should be sorted in ascending order of ID.
- The program should run in SQL SERVER 2005 and above.
- The output should be in the same way as it has been shown.
- 個人解法
DECLARE @t TABLE(ID INT IDENTITY, Data VARCHAR(100)) INSERT INTO @t SELECT 'welcome to TSQL Challenge #22' ; WITH CTE AS ( SELECT ID , Data , 1 AS Start , CHARINDEX(SPACE(1),Data) AS [End] FROM @t UNION ALL SELECT ID , Data , [End] + 1 , CHARINDEX(SPACE(1),Data,[End] +1) FROM CTE WHERE [End] > 0 ) , CTE2 AS ( SELECT T.ID , T.Data , T.Start , UPPER(LEFT(String , 1)) + LOWER(RIGHT(String , LEN(String) - 1)) AS String FROM ( SELECT ID , Data , Start , SUBSTRING(Data , Start , ISNULL(NULLIF([End],0),LEN([Data]) + 1) - Start) AS String FROM CTE ) AS T ) SELECT T1.ID , T1.Data , STUFF ( ( SELECT SPACE(1) + T2.String FROM CTE2 AS T2 WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID AND T1.Data = T2.Data ORDER BY Start FOR XML Path('') ) ,1 ,1 ,'' ) AS Results FROM CTE2 AS T1 GROUP BY T1.ID , T1.Data ORDER BY T1.ID利用 CTE 把每個字串給拆開,再使用 LEFT() 來大寫第一個字母和 RIGHT() 來抓取剩餘的文字,最後老方法 FOR XML PATH 把字串再組起來 ~~