This challenge deals with String aggregation. On occasion it is necessary to aggregate data from a number of rows into a single row, giving a list of data associated with a specific value.
Oracle has an inbuilt function "WM_CONCAT" to aggregate data from a number of rows into a single row. Now, Let us implement this in TSQL.
WM_CONCAT aggregates data from a number of rows into a single row, giving a list of data associated with a specified value.
- Sample Data
Deptno Empname ------ ------- 10 Niladri 20 Jeeva 30 Deepak 30 Prantik 20 Arina
- Expected Results
Deptno Empname ----- -------------- 10 Niladri 20 Arina,Jeeva 30 Deepak,Prantik
- Rules
- Deptno should be sorted in Ascending Order.
- Empname should be sorted in Ascending Order.
- The program should run in SQL SERVER 2005 and above.
- The output should be in the same way as it has been shown.
- 個人解法
DECLARE @t TABLE(Deptno INT, Empname VARCHAR(20)) INSERT INTO @t SELECT 10, 'Niladri' UNION ALL SELECT 20, 'Jeeva' UNION ALL SELECT 30, 'Deepak' UNION ALL SELECT 30, 'Prantik' UNION ALL SELECT 20, 'Arina' SELECT T1.Deptno , STUFF ( ( SELECT ',' + T2.Empname FROM @t AS T2 WHERE T2.DeptNO = T1.DeptNO ORDER BY T2.Empname FOR XML PATH('') ) ,1,1,'' ) AS Empname FROM @t AS T1 GROUP BY T1.Deptno ORDER BY Deptno